Everyday Occurrences

Aircrew Interviews

Testimonials from military, commercial, and general aviation aircrew who have witnessed these phenomena.

Community Discussion

Participate in community discussions about the changing landscape of UAPs, their implications for various aspects of our society, and more. 

Support Community Artists

Several familiar names from the UAP art community have been enlisted to provide literal and artistic interpretations of events. One-of-a-kind art created by community artists will accompany many articles.

Open Data

My goal is to encourage positive and productive interest in this topic among the UAP community and the wider public. I believe that data relevant to understanding UAP should be available to everyone. As such, I will never put such data behind a subscription wall. If you would like to support us, you will be helping us broaden the discussion, generate great art, and encourage more pilots to come forward.

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UAP by Ryan Graves


Hey! My name is Ryan and I've got some ideas about UAP.